Thursday, November 13, 2008

HARBOUR WAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harbour waves don't bring up the same mental imagery of a TSUNAMI but they mean the same thing. I also found the Canadian Geographic website, which has a great article about tsunamis and how they form. It also has air photos of before and after a tsunami struck. I just don't know how to link these into this blog thing.
I find the article interesting because it points out that the mental imagery of a tsunami is not really the same as the real thing. Tsunamis are not a single huge wave engulfing our coasts.
Tsunamis form by earthquakes or some other cataclysmic event that allows water to rise. In open oceans tsunami waves are barely visible, sometimes being no more than a meter or so high. They don't get dangerous until they hit the coast and it is the shallowing of the land near the coast that makes a tsunami bigger and consequently more dangerous.
That is my lesson for the day.Make sure to check out the photo's!

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